This series could now do with an index. I provide one below.
On my Facebook page within the last few days, responding to the most recent post in the series, someone spoke of 'banging on about the Holocaust', a practice which he opposes. I find the phrase ill-judged. I would go so far as to call it objectionable. It's objectionable for the same reason that saying someone was 'banging on' about the Gulag, or about the Rwandan or Armenian genocides, or about the slave trade, or the continued use of torture, would be objectionable.
Anyway, it is in part the attitude that use of this expression reflects that prompted me to start the Figures from a Dark Time series. Below I set out, under the Roman numerals, links to all the instalments to date.
I: 1 Irena Veisaite; 2 & 3 Hein Sietsma and Berendina (Diet) Eman.
II: 4 Harry Gzesh; 5 Alice Herz-Sommer; 6 Miriam Rosenthal.
III: 7 Wladyslaw Gugla; 8 Sam Pivnik.
IV: 9 Lea Judith de la Penha.
V: 10 & 11 Dina Godschalk and Count Henry de Menthon; 12 Eli Zborowski; 13 Beatrix Westheimer.
VI: 14 Frieda Levy, née Neumann; 15 Ben Lesser; 16 Bulgaria.
VII: 17 Didi (second name not known); 18 Helen Greenspun; 19 Mary Elmes; 20 Eugene Schlesinger.
VIII: 21 Alice Lehmann and Bernie Sapir; 22 Shlomo Venezia; 23 Charlotte R; Hava Shilo.
IX: 25 Pnina Kazir; 26 Charlotte Pogel; 27 The figure 'many hundreds of thousands'; 28 Viktor Ullmann.
X: 29 Renee Salt; 30 The figure 1,024; 31 Esther Bauer; 32 Sara Besser (née Weinraub); 33 Simon Dubnow.
XI: 34 The parents of Hans Keilson; 35 Eva Olsson; 36 Antoni Dobrowolski and the figure 1.1 million; 37 Roman Halter; 38 Knud and Karen Christiansens; 39 Wilhelm Brasse.
XII: 40 Hanna Nadel; 41 The parents of a group of young Czech Jews; 42 Ariel Blumental; 43 The figures 50,000 and 7,000; 44 The figure half a million.
XIII: 45 Vladka Meed; 46 Cardinal Elia Angelo Dalla Costa; 47 Louis Begley; 48 Oneg Shabbat.
XIV: 49 Auguste Spitz, Marianne Grunfield and Therese Steiner; 50 Shimon Srebrnik; 51 The figure 2700-2800; 52 Wladyslawa Dudziak and Rozia Beiman.
XV: 53 Michail Zaslawski and his family; 54 Zoltan Zinn-Collis and his family; 55 Ernest Mason; 56 The figure 80 percent; 57 Ida and Louise Cook.
XVI: 58 The parents of Harry and Hannah Grenville; 59 Henia Bryer; 60 Edita Salamonova; 61 Josefa Gottlieber.
XVII: 62 Gisella Perl; 63 Adam Paluch; 64 Otto Dov Kulka; 65 The figure 100,000; 66 Daniel Finkelstein's grandmother.
XVIII: 67 Henry Greenbaum; 68 The figure 42,500; 69 Ari Rath; 70 Tomi Reichental; 71 The figure 11,343; 72 Efthymios Kontopoulos, witness.
XIX: 73 Chaim Zajdenberg and his family; 74 Jakub Gutenbaum; 75 Simcha Applebaum; 76 The figure 13; 77 André and Magda Trocmé, Daniel Trocmé, and the town of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon.