Here's another of those voting-makes-no-difference articles. It's premise is that 'America is a country of total capitalism' and that is that. From which it is supposed to follow that the 'political system... no longer has much to do with democracy' and that it matters not who wins today.
Don't the people who write this kind of stuff ever stop to reflect that even if their central premises were true, or mostly true, the rest of what they say doesn't in fact follow? Total capitalism with government-supported health care is not the same as total capitalism without it; likewise total capitalism respectively with and without liberal attitudes to same sex marriage. Capitalism isn't the only question. Equally, to dismiss or belittle, as no longer having much to do with democracy, a political system that includes free elections and all the rest of the requisites of parliamentary-democratic rule is to suggest that one wouldn't really care if what was in place instead of this was naked dictatorship - a suggestion which is, for most of those who make it, false, apart from also being ludicrous.
The writer, I'm happy to say, concludes: 'The truth is that we simply no longer understand America.' Yes, neither America nor democratic politics nor much of anything.