Now, here's a debate at which I'd like to be present:
One is a prominent atheist, the other a devout Roman Catholic. Both share mutual admiration for each other, but for a few hours next month, they will be adversaries, facing off over the contentious topic of religion.
Renowned author and journalist Christopher Hitchens and former British prime minister Tony Blair will share a stage for the sixth semi-annual Munk Debates this November.
The official resolution, "Be it resolved, religion is a force of good for the world," is close to the hearts of both debaters.
Blair says Hitch 'promises to be a formidable opponent'. You better believe it. At the same time, since religion doesn't poison everything, though it can and sometimes does poison some things, the former prime minister should be able to cope, provided he neither claims too much nor denies the harm that has undoubtedly been done in the name of religion.