The proofs of my book have arrived and I've started to go through them. Why, you may ask, am I telling you this? I didn't share with you that on the train WotN and I took to London yesterday there was a guy lying across two seats sleeping, with so much of his body protruding into the aisle that no one could get past without climbing over him. I didn't tell you that I have now packed 32 boxes of cricket books, in preparation for moving them to Cambridge. Though, come to think of it, I have now told you this. Isn't life strange? Anomalies lurk everywhere. The truth can alter just as quickly as that.
Why I'm telling you is (a) because I'm pleased and (b) because I want to spread some advance publicity. Watch this space for further information about:
Crimes against humanity: Birth of a concept - by Norman Geras
To be published by Manchester University Press early next year.