OK, one thing about these normblog polls is that I not only set them, I also allow myself to submit an entry. Or maybe that's two things. Anyway, the Beach Boys poll has got off to a goodish start, and pour encourager les autres I shall begin to construct my own entry in a public way. Stage 1 (today): set out my longlist of likely songs. Stage 2 (later): cut them down to 10. Stage 3 (later still): rank the songs that have made the final cut. Accordingly, stage 1 - my eligibles in alphabetical order:
California Girls, Darlin', Do It Again, Don't Worry Baby, Fun Fun Fun, God Only Knows, Good Vibrations, Help Me Rhonda, Heroes And Villains, I Can Hear Music, I Get Around, Little Deuce Coupe, The Little Girl I Once Knew, Sloop John B, Surfin' U.S.A., Then I Kissed Her, When I Grow Up (To Be A Man), Wouldn't It Be Nice.
This is the way: you construct your entry; you send it in.