There are times, I must tell you, when the thought has occurred to me that, as enjoyable as they were, the normblog polls may now have had their day. But listening to some songs the other morning, it struck me that I have at least one task yet to complete before wrapping up on that front - the Beach Boys. They are, in my non-tentative opinion and notwithstanding the result to the contrary that you will find here, in the top three of all time of rock and pop music. Their music is of sublime genius. And so I would like to do for them what has already been done on this blog for Bob Dylan and the Beatles: to effect a ranking of their greatest songs.
I invite you to submit your own 10 best Beach Boys songs (though you may give fewer than 10 if that should be your preference). You may rank your choices or leave them unranked; that is up to you. Closing date: end of September.
Remember: this may be fun (listen until the very last note), but it's also deadly serious.