My, it's been quiet around here. The reason it has been is that I was in London this weekend at a big get-together of people from Bulawayo. Old friends and acquaintances met up again to see what we'd all been doing the while; there was much reminiscing and asking about the whereabouts of this person's brother, or that one's sister, or a friend not heard from since nineteen-sixty-whatever. I ran into more than one person I didn't know but to whom I was linked by someone else we both did know, or by the length of the street the two of us had lived on, or by having been at the same school at different times, or by having been, respectively, the once photographic subject, and the daughter, of a man whose profession was the taking of family photographs. It was a great ball.
Here are a few pictures (by WotN) of me with other Bulawayans at the picnic on Sunday in Primrose Hill Park.