As regards your dietary habits when you come across an author you like, Cornflower asks:
How about you? Do you devour all the work of a new find (an author or series) in one go, or will you acquire it in more of a piecemeal fashion, and return to taste again over the coming weeks and months?
My answer - I'm of the latter school of thought. For several reasons: I don't want to be reading just the one kind of thing over an extended period; it's easier to distinguish, in memory, between a writer's different books if you haven't consumed them all in a single lump; if I already have certain reading projects on the go (working my way through the novels of some other writer or writers) I don't want to abandon these projects to focus exclusively on the newly-found.
That said, I'd want to add that eating the books of a single author all in one go is a better option than eating cutlery.