From a speech by Tony Blair to a Catholic conference in Italy:
Too often religion is seen as a source of conflict and division. It is this manifestation that allows the aggressive secularism in part of the West to gain traction. Show instead how Faith is standing up for justice, for solidarity across peoples and nations, and how it is doing so with those of other Faiths and we show the true face of God's love, mercy and compassion.
This is surely the role of Faith in modern times. To do what it alone can do. To achieve what neither a person, nor a state, nor a community, on their own or even together, can achieve. To represent God's Truth, not limited by human frailty, or by the interests of the state or by the transient mores of a community, however well intentioned; but to let that Truth bestow on us humility, love of neighbour, and the true knowledge that indeed passes all understanding.
This is Faith, not as superstition, not as an insurance against life's pitfalls, but Faith as the salvation of the human condition.
Hang on a minute. Not being of the 'religion poisons everything' party, I have no problem with the idea that religion can speak for justice and solidarity rather than division. And I've no doubt, also, that there are things religion alone can do - such as representing God's Truth, whatever one takes this to mean. But Blair comes close to saying, or he actually does say, that religion has a monopoly on the pursuit or the display of justice, solidarity, mercy and compassion. Not only is that not true, it is a divisive claim to make when urging others to turn away from conflict and division.