This is good news:
The US House of Representatives has approved a bill that would ban the CIA from using harsh interrogation techniques such as simulated drowning.The report goes on to say that George Bush has threatened to veto the bill. A group of retired admirals and generals is urging the Democrats to defy his threat. They have written to Senate and House intelligence chairmen John Rockefeller and Silvestre Reyes, saying:The measure would require intelligence agencies to follow the rules adopted by the US Army, which forbid such methods, and to abide by the Geneva Conventions.
We believe it is vital to the safety of our men and women in uniform that the United States not sanction the use of interrogation methods it would find unacceptable if inflicted by the enemy against captured Americans... That principle, embedded in the Army Field Manual, has guided generations of American military personnel in combat.There are other reasons as well, of course - like that you shouldn't torture people and doing so is a violation of legal norms which are binding in all circumstances; the letter goes on to allude to them.