There's an interesting contrast embodied in two pieces from today's Sunday Times. One by Richard Brooks reports on a spat between The Guardian and The Observer. I don't know if Brooks means to take sides in that dispute but he says that a forthcoming book by Guardian journalist Nick Davies...
... will, among many other things, examine why The Observer broke with the traditional values of the left by being so supportive of the Iraq war.The idea that supporting the Iraq war involved breaking with the traditional values of the left does rather describe things from the point of view of anti-war leftists of a sectarian and witch-hunting cast of mind.
You see the issues from a different perspective if you read (as I urge you to do) this excellent piece by Sarah Baxter. She says:
It is no longer possible to tell at a glance which side people are on.So far as the traditional values of the left are concerned, Sarah details some derelictions that will be familiar to readers of normblog.