If you have any love for the Western as a genre, I can recommend James Mangold's new version of an old classic, 3.10 to Yuma. It's a long time since I last saw the original, made by Delmer Daves in 1957, so I'm not really in a position to offer a comparison. All I will say is that I really rated that movie when I saw it (some time in the 60s or 70s), and I think the remake is terrific as well.
Russell Crowe is a powerful presence as the central bad guy - bad but clever, and with a certain charm - and there's a performance from Ben Foster as a sadistic killer that's worth the admission price all on its own. The movie rattles along. It pits good against evil in the standard way but combines the drama of their conflict with some moral ambiguities that are concentrated and resolved in the ending. I won't spoil this by expanding upon them. For me 3.10 to Yuma demonstrates that the Western can still be alive and well if there are people who want it to be. There's a review by Philip French.