I love it when research comes up with information that is less than totally staggering. A report in the Sunday Times tells us that classes 'in happiness and emotional wellbeing' can leave children depressed. Well, wouldn't you be? You could be learning something about the world, but instead... this. It sounds worse than what we used to get under the rubric 'Civics'. Anyway, Carol Craig, 'a psychologist and chief executive of the Centre for Confidence and Wellbeing in Glasgow' - come on, a Centre for Confidence and Wellbeing isn't so funny - says:
A focus on the self can create an obsession with how you feel and can lead in some kids to depression...Now, there's a surprise. Obsession with the self can do that? However, here's Anthony Seldon, master of Wellington College:
I don't think there is any sane way to exist as a human being except to get in touch with your feelings and thoughts.Indeed. Don't we all know it? There could be university degrees in it. Alongside the BA in Pulling Your Socks Up. And the MA in Pulling Yourself Together and Getting on with Things.