Let's go back through the mists of time to a remote past - I mean January 2003. Here's an article from the Guardian with a subhead that includes the claim 'We know Saddam is hiding weapons'. And here's a paragraph from that same article:
Among those knowledgeable about Iraq there are few, if any, who believe he is not hiding such weapons [of mass destruction]. It is a given. We print accounts of them, with diagrams and charts, in our newspapers every day. That is why both the Americans and the British insist that it is not just a matter of the inspectors being able to go where they please, but of Iraq handing over the weapons that everybody knows they have.Then there's also this:
[A]cting as if it is still genuinely an open question whether Saddam is cheating is dishonest, and likely to be a cover for opposition to the war on other grounds - whether those grounds are good or bad.Who is this? Some foaming warmonger? Why no, it's Martin Woollacott, an award-winning and veteran journalist whose article is entitled 'This drive to war is one of the mysteries of our time'.
Just a reminder of some former 'knowns'. (Thanks: AE.)