What applies to global poverty in general also applies to the politically induced poverty now killing people in their thousands in Zimbabwe. You can read - again - about the extent of the current disaster in this piece by R.W. Johnson:
"The women suffer the most. At a certain point the men just walk away but the women are left with their children, watching them starve. We used to have universal schooling but 50% of the children are now out of school because the parents cannot afford even the smallest fees."'Brotherhood of silence' is the Catholic Archbishop of Matabeleland Pius Ncube's phrase to refer to the condition to which Mugabe has reduced the people of Zimbabwe. But let it also stand for the condition of a world now evidently hardened against the idea of humanitarian intervention, as a human catastrophe unfolds yet once more.
[D]eath is all around. As I drive through the suburbs [of Harare] I see inert bodies lying on the kerb and in the grass, bodies which have not changed position when I come back half an hour later.