Jeff Weintraub on his relationship to the old boy:
Unlike many people who went through the 1960s and 1970s as undergraduates and/or graduate students, I've never been a Marxist, have never felt tempted to identify myself as a Marxist, and never even went through a phase of being marxisant. Of the major 19th-century social and political theorists, Durkheim and Weber, and then increasingly Tocqueville, struck me from the start as more exciting and convincing (in their different ways). On many crucial points where they differed from Marx, I found them more right, more profound, and more likely to be pointing us in the right directions. I don't say this either to compliment myself or to apologize, just to explain something about the role that Marx did and didn't play in my intellectual development. For very many people over the past century and more, a temporary or permanent conversion to Marx and/or Marxism has been crucial to their theoretical education and their intellectual [and] political formation. It so happens that for me, it wasn't.Sounds good - indeed, give or take a qualification here and there, like a model attitude.At the same time, of course, it was impossible not to recognize Marx as an enormously important and powerful thinker, with remarkable depth and scope, from whom I would like to believe I have learned a great deal about the world. In fact, my appreciation of Marx has only increased over the years - a process in no way diminished by my growing awareness of the limitations, errors, weaknesses, and even dangers of his thought and influence. I have to confess that, rightly or wrongly, I still find it genuinely hard to see how anyone who hasn't seriously wrestled with Marx at some point can consider himself or herself a fully educated person.
The major complication was that for decades Marx and his thought were surrounded by a cult. At every level from students to professors and in between there seemed to be hordes of academic Marxists, semi-Marxists, neo-Marxists, Marxologists and the like (as well as non-academic Marxist scholars and intellectuals...), most of whom tended to assume that Marxism of one form or another had an exclusive lock on reality, and that no idea could be taken seriously until it had first been 'translated', however clumsily or implausibly, into Marxist (or pseudo-Marxist) idiom. I must admit that I sometimes found all this a bit irritating and distracting - and occasionally comic. And out in the larger world, of course, Marxism remained a major world religion with millions of followers. But then, sometime in the early 1990s, these hordes of academic [and] intellectual Marxists suddenly became almost extinct. Unfortunately, to a considerable extent they have been replaced by (or turned into) new hordes of "post-modernists," anti-political neo-Kantian legalists, and atomistic-utilitarian "rational choice" ideologues - so that, frankly, I find myself missing all those Marxists more and more, given the alternatives.
Be that as it may, now that the trendy and and quasi-theological auras surrounding Marx have fallen away so sharply, I now find it easier and more necessary to say unequivocally about Marx what Marx himself said about Hegel in his Preface to the Second Edition of Capital:
I criticized the mystificatory side of the Hegelian dialectic [JW: in my case, the Marxist dialectic] nearly thirty years ago, at a time when it was still in fashion. But just when I was working at the first volume of Capital, the ill-humoured, arrogant and mediocre epigones who now talk large in educated German circles began to take pleasure in treating Hegel in the same way as the good Moses Mendelssohn treated Spinoza in Lessing's time, namely as a 'dead dog'. I therefore openly avowed myself the pupil of that mighty thinker...And I, for my part, feel proud to acknowledge the same for Marx - as a teacher and in some ways an inspiration, though never as a guru or a totemic object.