The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is threatening strike action; the General Agriculture and Plantations Workers Union of Zimbabwe (Gapwuz) is doing the same. According to this report by Terry Bell:
A major strike is looming in Zimbabwe, and the government has reportedly put its security forces on high alert, promising "bloodshed" if it proceeds.(Via Hak.)Yet proceed it probably will because the workers involved have virtually nothing to lose. They'll probably fight rather than starve on their knees.
"The government has been determined for years either to take over the trade union movement or to smash it,'" says ZCTU president Lovemore Matombo.
With year-on-year inflation above 1 000 percent and the price of a loaf of bread scheduled to increase to Z$200 000 (R13), farm workers are literally facing starvation. "They cannot send their children to school; they are living like scavengers on these run-down farms," she [Gapwuz general secretary Gertrude Hambira] says.