Further to my own brief account of the Euston Manifesto launch, here is a roundup of reports and reactions from others who were there.
> Nick Cohen (scroll down): 'The manifesto... puts its finger on a very raw nerve'.
> Clive Davis: 'hardly a voice was raised in anger'.
> Simply Connect: 'a line in the sand'.
> Small Town Scribbles: 'I think what I wanted from the night was to make the Euston Manifesto, the sentiments behind it, and the people involved in it, real and not just something that existed on my laptop. And I wanted to say to the people behind the Manifesto that you are supported.'
> Muscular Liberals: 'more than half of those who filled out our questionnaire volunteered their services... the EM has brought together a whole bunch of people - some experienced politicos, others intrigued newcomers wondering how they can help - who might otherwise have never met.'
> Paul Burgin: who has this picture among others.
> François Brutsch (in French): 'Le Manifeste d'Euston a pour ambition de redéfinir ce qu'être de gauche, être progressiste, veut dire aujourd'hui, et cela n'a rien de spécifiquement britannique.'
> Anthony Cox: 'an outstanding success'; and this picture.
> Baggage Reclaim: 'I found Alan Johnson... particularly uplifting, as he reeled through some of the things already achieved by participants, and some of the things to be done.'
> Tom Morris: 'The first question is about women and feminism - the response was simple: get involved...'
> Andrew at B4L: 'mobile phones were collected for the trade unionists of Iraq'.
> Nick Cohen again (scroll down): 'And so it came to pass, that I stood in front of the pews of London's "non-conformist cathedral" and bellowed to the congregation, "I command you to go to the bar and drink it dry." And they did, praise the Lord.'
> Fisking Central: 'Both Matt and I signed the Euston Manifesto this morning. We look forward to getting more involved.'
> David T: 'We're in the process of organising a series of further events over the next few months...'
> Eugenio Mastroviti (in Italian): 'Stay tuned.'
> There are more pictures here, here and here.
> Google is now showing 255,000 results for Euston Manifesto.
[Last updated on 9 June 2006.]