From Children With A Star by Deborah Dwork.
[T]he heart of the catastrophe was the murder of one and a half million children.From A History of the Holocaust by Yehuda Bauer:
Several days after the deportation of the adults, the four thousand children were loaded into cattle cars. Sixty children of all ages were thrown into each wagon. One pail with water was the whole furniture. No bench, no straw, no provisions were put at their disposal, and the children were sent away without any supervision. Then the doors and openings were hermetically sealed and after many more hours the trains slowly moved away... A nurse, who alone among the many French officials present protested against this procedure and against the conditions in this transport, was given the following reply by the responsible doctor: "We normally expect about thirty percent loss during the journey."From The Holocaust by Martin Gilbert:
Piled up in freight cars, unable to bend or budge, sticking one to the other, breathless, crushed by one's neighbour's every move, this was already hell. During the day a torrid heat, with a pestilential smell. After several days and several nights, the doors were opened. We arrived worn out, dehydrated with many ill. A newborn baby, snatched from its mother's arms, was thrown against a column. The mother, crazed from pain, began to scream. The SS man struck her violently with the butt end of his weapon over the head. Her eyes haggard, with fearful screams, her beautiful hair became tinted with her own blood. She was struck down by a bullet in the head.Today has been Holocaust Memorial Day.