You will find here a series of vile anti-Semitic videos produced in Syria, and apparently also shown on Iranian and Jordanian TV. Amongst the items:
> The "Secret Jewish Government" discussing benefits of the extermination of Jews in World War 2While you're in this sewer, you might also look at this piece about the Frankfurt Book Fair:
> "Secret Jewish Government" plans the dropping of Atomic Bomb on Japan
> The Jews preparing Passover Matzah by using the blood of a Christian boy (WARNING: This is very difficult to view.)
> Adolf Eichmann discussing with Jewish Agency official the similarities between Nazis and Jews
> The Jewish "Talmudic" court's brutal execution of a Jew, by pouring boiling lead down his throat (WARNING: This is very difficult to view.)
I am not talking about the some hundreds of meters of shelves of Iranian literature that were set up in Hall 5. I am talking about the brochures that Iran presented here in English - not in order to promote the country's own literature, but rather to disseminate anti-Semitism of European and American provenance.In Europe in 2005. And let's not be any more specific than Europe, shall we? (Thanks: E / J / HG.)There was, for instance, under the heading "Jewish Conspiracy", the text that influenced Hitler's anti-Semitism like no other work: The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", here in an edition published by the "Islamic Propagation Organization" of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
A second notorious classic of anti-Semitic literature was also available. A 200-page abridgment of Henry Ford's The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem was presented and sold in Hall 5 of the Frankfurt Book Fair "in the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful". The publisher of the edition is the "Department of Translation and Publication, Islamic Culture and Relations Organization" of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the preface, the editor writes:The grip of the Jewish parasitic influence has been growing stronger and stronger ever since [Henry Ford's time]. The Jewish danger - now called Zionism - is not only threatening one nation. As a matter of fact, it is directed against the entire humanity.