With barely a month to go before Iraq votes on a new constitution on October 15, the pressure is on the 38-year-old Jordanian terrorist [Abu Musab al-Zarqawi] to turn Iraq into a sectarian hell-hole before the democratic political process becomes established. Suicide bombers have been flocking to Baghdad in preparation for an escalation of attacks.How close is Iraq to out-and-out civil war? The article here cites different assessments, more and less pessimistic."Wake up from your slumber," Zarqawi urged the Sunni community in a savage audio message released on an Islamic website. He has threatened to kill Sunni leaders and religious figures who are calling on their community to take part in the referendum, even though they are urging a "no" vote in the hope of protecting their once-privileged status in pre-war Iraq.
Much depends on the October 15 vote and the elections expected to follow in December.Sectarian hell-hole or democratic political process - democrats everywhere will be united on that one.