It seems there are some on the left who believe that prominent members of the British government will have been glad of the London bombings. I'm not here referring to out-and-out crazies, but to no less a figure than Tom Nairn, writing at OpenDemocracy:
Then came the London explosions: a lifeline to exploiters of all lands, who dread "peace" (i.e. democracy) far more than war. On 8 July they woke up feeling safer, not more scared. This was a world they can count on. "Terrorism" restores healing tensions, fosters recompositions of national willpower, causes first things to be put first (e.g. identity cards), and brings indefinite postponement of wimpish tunes about unmerited poverty, reforms and rights. "Cool it!" is the coded message: equal- temperature malcontents, get back in line while more policemen are recruited.You might think this isn't aimed at anyone very particular, merely the generic 'exploiters of all lands'. But check out the link - which is in the original, and not added by me - under 'message'. So, unless the appearance is misleading here, Tom Nairn would like his readers to think that Tony Blair drew comfort from the murders of July 7. Note also that, for Nairn, this wasn't terrorism, it was 'terrorism'.