Zoe Williams writes about a category mistake (like comparing horses and Wednesdays): she used to try and phone her keys when she couldn't remember where they were; now she sometimes thinks to Google them. Below, I relate this to my own experience.
(1) I occasionally phone my mobile (cell) from the landline to find out where (in the house) it is.
(2) The other day I nearly left off at the count of 9 a set of exercises that I generally stop somewhere between 12 and 15. What flashed into my head just at that point was the image of a Sudoku.
(3) Most seriously of all, some times these days I find myself impatient with certain mundane tasks - like getting dressed, dusting shelves, opening dull-looking mail - which never used to weigh on me. I wondered if this might be a consequence of spending too much time on the Internet, where you can move from the LA Times to the Washington Post to the Sydney Morning Herald, and from this to this to that, at the click of a mouse. I concluded not. No way do I spend too much time on the Internet! I wouldn't mind being able to click out some of those tasks, though.