The most recent post at the site muslim wakeup! raises an anguished question about equality before God:
The first lesson we are taught as Muslims, after tawhid and stemming from tawhid, is the spiritual equality of all human beings under God. 'The most honorable of you is the most pious.' All that matters in prayer is your tuqa. Not your skin color, not your nation or tribe. Only your inner equilibrium, your relationship with God, pure and ungendered. Not really, if a woman can never be imam with men present, no matter how learned she is. What a 'bait and switch' trick, making you believe the stuff about spiritual equality and then springing this on you in the fine print.The same question is addressed in a different, satirical, mode in another item, in which the secret of why only men can lead prayer is explained. (Hat tip: FB.)Can you see how humiliating this is? How it feels like rejection from God? How undermining to the very core of faith?