In today's Guardian, Slavoj Zizek takes a lot of words (1300 is a close approximation) to say pretty much this:
And is it not that... the liberal warriors against terror are so eager to fight anti-democratic fundamentalism that they will end by flinging away freedom and democracy?Myself, I think that is rather unlikely - unless 'anti-democratic fundamentalism' contrives to register a large-scale atrocity somewhere, killing thousands; and even then I wouldn't be so sure. But in any case Zizek seems concerned that the danger to which he's drawing attention might have passed people by, whereas I would say that it has been very widely noticed. It is, indeed, treated in some would-be progressive quarters as the main danger facing the world, and democracy, today. For all that he says, Zizek seems less troubled by the possibility - one he is certainly acquainted with - that this might be repeating a grievous political error of the past.