Here's a piece, also from today's Guardian, about Messing, the place in Essex from where 'in 1632... George Bush's ancestor Reynold Bush left for Plymouth to board a two-masted schooner bound for Massachusetts'. So, it's got various bits of interesting information about the village and the Bush connection, and then it's got this:
Although Mr Bush would find the village - population 250 - cramped after his sprawling ranch in Crawford, Texas, he might find the historical resonances intriguing.Deft or what? Do you think the author of this piece means to allude, ever so lightly, to the fact that George Bush saw off the Saddam Hussein regime, well-known for its massacres? I don't think so. Bush's ancestor (don't you see?) killed doves.Mr Carter says the name Messing, Anglo-Saxon for field or place of slaughter, is a reference to the fact that in AD60 the Romans defeated Boudicca there, reputedly massacring 80,000 of her Iceni warriors.
Mr Carter says Mr Bush might also be interested to learn that in 1553 one of his ancestors, a poacher called Robert Bush, was fined by the lord of the manor for netting and killing a flock of doves, an offence that in the previous century carried the penalty of castration.