George Monbiot says:
Bush has... launched two unnecessary wars...That's something I keep seeing in my dnoc: 'unnecessary' qualifying 'war'. Well, necessary and unnecessary are always in the light of some putative objective or set of objectives, according to this or that criterion, from some point of view. Monbiot maybe means that these two wars were unnecessary from the point of view of whether the regimes overturned by them posed a serious threat beyond their own borders; in which case 'unnecessary' is at least debatable. If you add in the consideration of the burden the Taliban and Baathist regimes were on those they ruled over and the obstacle they represented in the path towards a democratic future for the peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq, then I'd say these two wars were indeed necessary even though plainly not sufficient.
Monbiot also speaks of a need to 'reintroduce democracy' into the US system of government - the US which he also calls 'the greatest democracy on earth'. I don't like to be pedantic here, but if democracy needs actually to be reintroduced, how is this 'the greatest democracy on earth'? Should there be a 'used to be' in there? Or else is 'reintroduce democracy' just speaking in a rather loose and extravagant way?