Readers with a good memory will recall that Like A Rolling Stone was the song that topped the normblog Bob Dylan poll back in April. My friend Drew Scott - he of the NSJF and the homework - has kindly alerted me to a half-hour programme from BBC Radio 4 devoted entirely to Like A Rolling Stone. Drew says that it's 'one for all Dylan fans', and he's right.
Go here and click on 'Listen', under the heading 'Soul Music'. There's a minute of other stuff before the programme begins. How long it'll be available is (I'm guessing) just a few days. Some opening snatches of opinion:
As a record it's a miracle, something that shouldn't have happened.Like A Rolling Stone, evs.
It has a largeness of movement. It rises and falls in a kind of oceanic way.
So bottomless, and so unstoppable.
The world looked different, it smelled different.
I don't think there's ever been a better single released.
Hearing that drum crack that starts the song and just being wiped out by it.
Bruce Springsteen said once that, like, that opening snare shot was like Bob Dylan kicking open the door to your mind.