It's a year ago today that normblog set sail. So I thought I'd say a few words about that.
Er... mainly, thanks to a lot of different people who have supported me one way and another. Thanks to my adviser team, to those who read my blog, to those who email me with reactions, to the bloggers who've linked to me, to those who send me items and links for possible posts, to those who've done the normblog profile, to those who've contributed guest posts, to everyone who's gone in for my polls.
Yesterday I posted my 2000th post. Overnight normblog received its 350,000th visit.
My favourite blogs are: Harry's Place, The Virtual Stoa, Oliver Kamm and (though it's more than a blog) Butterflies and Wheels.
On July 28 1814 Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin eloped to France.
On July 28 1945 the US Senate approved the United Nations charter.
On July 28 2004, Rosemary's blog, Benny Southstreet, stepped out into the world.
This is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Thanks, people.