Today I respond to one of the questions I pose to others in the normblog profile questionnaire:
Do you have any prejudices you're willing to acknowledge?I've probably got a few; but the only one I want to write about today is my prejudice against the abbreviation 'sci fi'. The odd thing is that I don't remember exactly where I acquired this, though I do remember how. Long ago I read somewhere that the 'sci fi' abbreviation was frowned upon by all true fans of science fiction, who preferred 'SF'; and ever since then I've duly preferred what the true fans were said (by the writer I was reading at the time) to prefer. Although I haven't read any science fiction in a while, my affection for what I did once read of it continues to sit beside an antipathy towards hearing it referred to as 'sci fi'. This sounds to me completely naff and cringe-worthy.
That it's a prejudice, however, is plain. I can give no reason in its favour other than that I once read this and it put me in a certain habit of mind. And anyway it's just a matter of what you choose to call something. Still, if anyone can come up with a reason with which to back up the prejudice, so turning it into a well-grounded belief, I'd be interested. Or if not that, then at least an account of where and how the thing originated. Googling, all I could find about it was this.