I don't know what the point of it is, but count me in. It's via Anne Cunningham.
1. Grab the nearest book.OK, my book - from a heap of books on the floor as I clear the study to make way for new shelves being put up - is The Mirror Maker by Primo Levi. The fifth sentence on p. 23 is:
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
In all of Lantania's schools it was taught that the annexation of the volcano by the Gunduwians had been an act of banditry, and that the first duty of every Lantanian was to train militarily, hate Gunduwia with all his might, and prepare for the inevitable and desirable war, which was going to bend Gunduwian arrogance and reconquer the volcano.