Here's a whinge in the LA Times about that Dylan ad (which you can see for yourself via here). The piece - by Leslie Bennetts - is all 'dissipated', 'distasteful spectacle', 'leering' and so forth, leading up to this:
[I]t's hard to defend his status as an enduring icon of moral outrage and political integrity when he's shilling for bras and panties.Excuse me? Where has she been these past few decades. But before you get to all that, you first have to navigate this:
I listened [to some Dylan her husband was playing for their daughter] as I read the morning paper, and thinking about the parallels between Vietnam and the bloodbath in Iraq against a soundtrack of Dylan songs was almost too painful to bear. How many times, indeed?Indeed 'indeed'. How many times the Vietnam argument? (Hat tip: Michael G.)